Japanese vs. U.S. Avengers 2 Poster – No contest
If you are a comic book fan or a fan of pop culture in general, chances are you’ve heard of the San Diego Comic Con. However, what you might not know is that Marvel Studios and Tinsel Town also reveal upcoming movies and events during it, to the delight of thousands of screaming fans. Their appearance and ginormous panel at the massive Convention Centre is not surprising when we take into account the fact that Disney acquired much of their film division.
It’s here that fans recieved their very first glimpse of the set pieces, met the Avengers cast and also got a firsthand look at each installment of the Iron Man franchise. This includes the spectacular and show stopping poster that was released of the new Avengers movie. It offered viewers a very pesonal view of an epic battle scene between ALL of the members of Earth’s mightiest team and Ultron’s robot army as well as a peek at the elusive, Vision. Long story short, it made movie goers drool way before the release and might have a lot to do with its staggering success at the box office.
The poster’s Japanese counterpart on the other hand, left much to be desired. According to online conjecture, the artwork somewhat proves that Japanese marketers have no idea what viewers like and prefer. The Hulk is depicted waaay in the back of the action and some commenters said the poster were pretty much a mess to begin with. One even said that those who were not familiar with the franchise might even confuse the (Japanese) woman depicted at the bottom as Iron Man. No idea why she is screaming her head off either.
Some also pointed to the content written at the base of the poster which was sadly, lost in translation. I mean, what does “Know love – Sacrifice for All Humanity” even mean, for crying out loud! Where did love come into the equation and what are they supposed to be sacrificing? This is The Avengers, not the Power Rangers!
And why are all of the Avengers assembled behind Iron Man? Granted, Ultron was basically his creation (read blunder) but don’t the team work together to clean up his mess? Regardless to say, it seems the Japanese poster fell way off the mark trying to attract movie goers for the July 4th release of the movie while the American version did it fair justice.