Japan Unveils ‘Touchable’ 3D Technology

Last year Miraisens, a Japanese tech company boldly went where no tech manufacturer has gone before and created 3D tech that can allow users to literally touch and feel their 3D creations. Based on Haptic technology, the gadget vibrates or applies force to the individual using it to induce a tactile sensation.

According to the creator of said technology as well as 3D Haptic technology, Norio Nakamura, the gadget works by befuddling our brain. It does this by merging the images the user sees and by vibrating with different frequencies. The latter is made possible with a tiny device that is placed on a finger and which users can influence with the help of virtual buttons.



Japan's high-tech venture Miraisens CEO Natsuo Koda demonstrates "3D-Haptics Technology" at a press preview in Tsukuba
The company also revealed that the Haptic technology could also be used to create complex data that could be utilized by a 3D printer. In other words, if a kid wants to create a virtual kitten, he can see it ‘come to life’ in a sense. The team is set to bring the technology into commercial use like this in the near future.
Japan's high-tech venture Miraisens CEO Natsuo Koda demonstrates "3D-Haptics technology", at a press preview in Tsukub
However, they did reveal in a press conference that the Haptic system the technology is based on can be installed in pens and sticks. In fact, it could also prove groundbreaking for the visually impaired if it is incorporated in walking sticks that could help them literally feel where they are going.

Additionally, Miraisen also revealed that it will also prove extremely beneficial for the gaming industry by heightening the gaming experience exponentially. A controller may be in the works that utilizes this technology and should offer gamers some resistance to certain aspects of a game. However, this is just a rumor at this point.

Haptic technology could also be used in the medical field as an aid in remote surgery; a surgeon can instantly perform an emergency procedure on a patient who may be leagues away and effectively save a life that would be lost otherwise. Of course, a nursing staff also has to be with the patient to prep him/her, but no procedure will be able to save a patient who has a rare ailment or injury that only some surgeons in the world can treat!

The chance to allow humanity to bring more reality into virtual reality was the main inspiration behind this gadget. Don’t know about you, but this blogger can’t wait for those Haptic controllers!


Written by  LarryD (Larry Davis)

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